Pet Microchipping
Proactive steps are key to protecting your pet, and one of the best ways to keep them safely in your family’s care is through pet microchipping. A key service from our veterinary experts at PetDesk Animal Hospital, this simple and effective procedure provides lasting peace of mind for pet owners by giving their companions permanent identification.
Easy Pet Microchipping in Denver, CO
Pet microchipping involves implanting a small chip, only about the size of a grain of rice, under your pet’s skin, typically between the shoulder blades. This chip contains a unique identification number that is linked to a database containing your contact information. If your pet ever goes missing and is found by an animal shelter or rescue group, the chip can be scanned to identify them and reunite you with your furry companion.
The Pet Microchipping Process
Microchipping your pet is quick, safe, and minimally invasive. The chip is implanted using only a needle similar to a vaccine, requiring no anesthesia or other medication, and your pet will feel just a quick pinch as the needle enters their skin. The implantation itself takes only a few seconds and does not need any form of follow-up or aftercare to heal.
It’s important to note that the chip does not track your pet’s location in real time; it only serves as an effective identification tool if your pet is lost and brought to a facility with scanning capabilities. If you move or change your contact information, remember to update your pet’s microchip accordingly to ensure their identification remains up to date.
Pet microchipping is a small investment that provides lasting peace of mind. If you’re ready to have your pet microchipped or if you have any questions about the process, schedule a visit with us today at PetDesk Animal Hospital in Denver, CO. We’re here to help you keep your pet safe and secure.
How We Microchip Your Pet, Step by Step:
The chip is injected just under the skin, similar to a vaccination. It is a quick, virtually painless procedure that takes only a few seconds. We will not need to sedate your pet or apply any form of medication—we will simply ensure they are calm and comfortable.
Once implanted, the microchip is registered with a national pet recovery database that includes your contact information. It’s important to keep this information up-to-date so you can always be contacted if your pet is found.
If your pet is ever lost, shelters, animal control officers, or veterinarians can scan the chip using a special scanner. The scanner reads the unique ID number on the chip, which links to your pet’s profile in the database.